Membership Overview

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Member Benefits

As a member of the Colorado Pharmacists Society you are entitled to the following benefits:

1. Networking and Community


The Colorado Pharmacists Society recognizes groups of pharmacists or technicians practicing within the State of Colorado by establishing academies representing special interest practices or local practice settings. The academies provide the discipline-specific (or area-specific) opportunity for networking with other pharmacists and medical professionals associated with your practice setting. Consider joining the Academies that apply to you and your practice! 

Committees/Task Forces

The Colorado Pharmacists Society committees/taskforces provide opportunities for members to get involved, and advance the practice the pharmacy in the state of Colorado.

2. Meetings and Continuing Education

The State of Colorado requires each pharmacist to complete 24 hours of ACPE approved continuing education every two years. The Colorado Pharmacists Society offers regularly scheduled, ACPE approved, Continuing Education programs including hour long evening programs, the Annual Meeting and Exhibition and the Annual Winter Continuing Education Seminar.

  • 30 hours of continuing education per year
  • Two annual meetings per year, providing 10-15 hours of ACPE approved CE per meeting
  • Evening CE programs providing 1 – 2 hours of ACPE approved C.E. per event
  • CPS/School of Pharmacy Program C.E. Program providing 6 hours of ACPE approved CE

3. Communications/Publications

  • Bi-weekly electronic newsletter providing the latest news and information
  • Website providing information on topics pertaining to pharmacy on a state and national level
  • E-mail notification of upcoming CE programs and other pharmacy events

4. Governmental Affairs

  • Representation of the interests of CPS members at the State Capitol, nation’s Capitol, State Board of Pharmacy, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (Medicaid).
  • Monitoring of legislative and regulatory proposals affecting pharmacy in Colorado.

5. Website

  • Information on Continuing Education Programs; registration through CPS website
  • Information on the CPS Annual Meetings
  • Information on state and national legislation
  • Information on Drug Therapy Management
  • Legislative updates
  • State and national pharmacy news
  • Archived e-Newsletters

Many of the benefits are provided through the efforts of a number of volunteer member committees. All members are encouraged to participate in these committees to complete tasks to enrich our society! 

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Membership Dues

Dues collected for membership fees support the legislative and continuing education services provided to the society and its members. Since 2/1/2001, the annual dues set by the board of directors are member type specific.

Member Types

Membership privileges are related to the member’s type and are regulated by the bylaws of the society.

Type Description Annual Dues Monthly Dues*
Pharmacist Any person who is licensed to practice pharmacy in any state, district, or territory of the United States and whose primary residence is in Colorado. $250 $25
Pharmacist (Resident, 1st yr) Newly licensed with Colorado State Board and/or participating in a Colorado residency program $100 N/A
Retired Pharmacist No longer actively practicing and licensed with the Colorado State Board of Pharmacy $145 $13
Associate Any individual that supports the purposes and objectives of the Association but do not meet the criteria of members, such as companies and associations. Associate members are entitled to all rights, privileges and benefits of the Association, except those of voting and holding office. $195 $19
Pharmacist Living Outside CO

Any person who is licensed to practice pharmacy in any state, district, or territory of the United States and whose primary residence is NOT in Colorado. Non-resident pharmacist members are entitled to all rights,  privileges and benefits of the Association, except those of voting and holding office.

$195 $19
Student (1-year membership) Individual studying pharmacy or to become a pharmacy technician $15 N/A
Student (3-year membership) This 3-year membership is available to 2nd-year students only studying pharmacy or to become a pharmacy technician. $35 N/A

 Pharmacy technician with or without CPhT

$45 N/A

*Convenient monthly billing option available


Group Memberships 

CPS group memberships apply to organizations or businesses that wish to enroll whole groups of individuals at one time for memberships in CPS, and thus qualify for group membership discounts for all member types. Learn more here.

Additionally, depending on the size of the group, other enriched benefits may apply. A member roster must be filled out in entirety and submitted to enroll individuals and submitted with a single payment. One primary contact person is required to enroll the group for the organization/business, but individuals’ information is required. All CPS correspondence is done via email; please ensure all email addresses are entered correctly for each individual.

Please send completed spreadsheet, group membership form, and payment to:

Colorado Pharmacists Society
303 E 17th Ave, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80203
[email protected]


Group Membership Application
Group Membership Roster to Complete by Employer 



Contribution or gifts to the Colorado Pharmacists Society are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, such payments may be deductible as business expenses or other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Service requires notification of the allocation of lobbying expense included in total membership dues which is not deductible. This amount is 30% of dues.  Please consult with your accountant or tax attorney on these matters.